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How Activiti Workflow Retry mechanism work

From Activiti user guide (, we can configure number of retries and retry interval as below:

<serviceTask id="failingServiceTask" activiti:async="true" activiti:class="org.activiti.engine.test.jobexecutor.RetryFailingDelegate">

However, a job may contain many tasks, so it will get the retry configurations from which tasks? The first task of the job or the failed task?

Moreover do I need to put the retry configuration into every tasks?

(Note: Question also posted here: )


  • The complete entry of the job gets affected once an error is encountered. You can (and should) keep only one service task (generally a "JavaDelegate") per job.

    Activiti works on managing wait-states. If an error is encountered, then the transaction back until the last wait-state is rolled back.