I have a NodeJS server that accepts form-data that includes a Firebase
token a phone number and a file.
I'm using busboy
and express
to get the data from the form.
The code looks like this:
function validateAuthToken(authToken) {
if (authToken) {
admin.auth().verifyIdToken(authToken).then(function(decodedToken) {
console.log("Verified auth token uid is:" + decodedToken.user_id);
return decodedToken;
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Failed to verify authToken with error:" + error);
app.post("/shout", function(req, res) {
var busboy = new Busboy({ headers: req.headers });
busboy.on('field', function(fieldName, value) {
var decodedToken = null;
var recPhone = null;
switch (fieldName) {
case constants.MSG_FORM_PART_AUTH_TOKEN:
decodedToken = validateAuthToken(value);
//validate the phone number only if the token is valid
recPhone = validatePhoneNumber(decodedToken.phone_number, value);
busboy.on('file', function(fieldName, file) {
shoutFileName = path.join(constants.SHOUT_FILES_PATH, shortid.generate());
busboy.on('finish', function() {
//save the file if the token is valid
return req.pipe(busboy);
My problem is that I need to finish the token validation before I can validate the phone number or save the file to the server.
The verifyIdToken
uses a promise to validate the Firebase token and so I can't use await on it. In the meantime busboy
keep parsing the rest of the request.
How do I serialize the process?
Should I save all the data and begin the verification only after busboy
finish event is emitted?
After getting no answers and chatting with a developer offline I implemented the busboy
finish event.
I first saved the file to a TMP folder. Then I validated the token and only after getting the validation result proceeded to save the file to a permanent location. The downside of this is that I cannot stop big files from being saved if the validation fails but since I limit the files to be small any way it was a better straight forward way to go.