How do i make a skeleton for node js using express generator for html view engine? like for example we use
npm install -g express-generator
express -v pug
but cant create skeleton for
express -v html
Not really understanding why you want to use express if you going to serve html but anyway, if you don't want to learn a new syntax/language ejs is the way to go
express -v ejs
ejs is pure html but you can insert code into it, but clean html work just fine as well. One thing, if you going to have truly static html you can use the public folder. Files from that folder is presented "as is".
Some ejs examples are In render file
res.render('mypage', {title: 'The first page', wellcome: 'Wellcome'});
in view file (mypage.ejs)
<html><title><%= title %></title></head><body><%= wellcome => to <%= title %></body></html>
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