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How to make entity class and controller for biography backend using Spring Boot?

How would you make an entity class for the backend portion of a biography page (on a site). I am unsure how to approach something like this since there aren't specific things that need to be sent from the server. I have attached some code that I used for my entity class.

Does my entity class seem like the correct way to approach creating a backend for a biography page on a site using Spring Boot?

Entity Class

    import javax.persistence.Column;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import javax.persistence.Table;

    public class Biography {

        private Long sectionId;

        @Column(name = "section_title")
        private String titleSection;

        @Column(name = "section_text")
        private String textSection;

        public Long getSectionId() {
            return sectionId;

        public String getTitleSection() {
            return titleSection;

        public String getTextSection() {
            return textSection;

        public String toString() {
            return "EmployeeEntity [sectionId=" + sectionId + ", titleSection=" + titleSection +
                    ", textSection=" + textSection + "]";



  • Here is what you could do to implement a Spring controller that takes care of requests to the Biography entity.

    1. Your Biography entity appears to be good
    2. To work with it, you could take advantage of;
    public interface BiographyRepository  extends CrudRepository <Biography, Long> {
    1. Spring is pretty flexible and you can organize your code the way you like it. Here is just an example of how you could organize controller code:
    public class BiographyController {
      private BiographyRepository biographyRepository;
      @RequestMapping(value = "/biography, method = RequestMethod.POST)
      public @ResponseBody
      Response create (HttpServletRequest request) {
        //read biography object from the request;
      //other methods...

    Depending on what you need, a better practice could be working with the repository through a @Service in the Controller.

    Hope that helps.