I am trying to change the background colour of DropdownToggle when clicking DropdownItem. Also, change the top and bottom blue border(not sure)? when click the DropdownToggle
Picture 1: This is the picture that before I click the item such as "AK","CA","DE"
When I click the dropdown item "FL" in this case, the background colour change to black, and there are top and bottom blue border around the "FL"
Picture 2: after select(click) "FL"
How to change the DropdownToggle background colour when I click the item, i don't want black like the picture, and also try to remove the blue border.
Without your code added to the question I'm not able to be more specific, but you can access the elements in your nav
with the following Bootstrap elements
.nav-item {}
.nav-item a {}
.nav-item a:hover {}
.nav-item .dropdown-item {}
Because you are over-riding Bootstrap CSS you will likely need to add !important;
to the attributes that you change.