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Checking if the points fall within circleS

I have a long list of H-points with known coordinates. I have also a list of TP-points. I'd like to know if the H-points fall within any(!) TP-point with certain radius (e.g. r=5).

dfPoints = pd.DataFrame({'H-points' : ['a','b','c','d','e'],
               'Xh' :[10, 35, 52, 78, 9],
               'Yh' : [15,5,11,20,10]})

dfTrafaPostaje = pd.DataFrame({'TP-points' : ['a','b','c','d','e'],
               'Xt' :[15,25,35],
               'Yt' : [15,25,35],
               'M' : [5,2,3]})

def inside_circle(x, y, a, b, r):
    return (x - a)*(x - a) + (y - b)*(y - b) < r*r

I've started but.. it would be much easier to check this for only one TP point. But if I have e.g. 1500 of them and 30.000 H-points, then i need more general solution. Can anyone help?


  • Another option is to use distance_matrix from scipy.spatial:

    dist_mat = distance_matrix(dfPoints [['Xh','Yh']], dfTrafaPostaje [['Xt','Yt']])
    dfPoints [np.min(dist_mat,axis=1)<5]

    Took about 2s for 1500 dfPoints and 30000 dfTrafaPostje.

    Update: to get the index of the reference points with highest score:

    dist_mat = distance_matrix(dfPoints [['Xh','Yh']], dfTrafaPostaje [['Xt','Yt']])
    # get the M scores of those within range
    M_mat = pd.DataFrame(np.where(dist_mat <= 5, dfTrafaPosaje['M'].values[None, :], np.nan),
                         index=dfPoints['H-points'] ,
    # get the points with largest M values
    # mask with np.nan for those outside range    
    dfPoints['M'] = np.where(M_mat.notnull().any(1), M_mat.idxmax(1), np.nan)

    For the included sample data:

      H-points  Xh  Yh   TP
    0        a  10  15    a
    1        b  35   5  NaN
    2        c  52  11  NaN
    3        d  78  20  NaN
    4        e   9  10  NaN