As an exercise, I'm trying to write this by myself but I'm stuck and don't know where the error is in my code.
module Hf where
--sumSquaresTo :: Integer -> Integer
--sumSquaresTo x = sum [ n^2 | n <- [1..x] ]
divides a b = b `mod` a == 0
divisors a = [n | n <- [1..a], n `divides` a ]
lnko :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
lnko a b = [n | n <- [1..max(a b)], (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b) ]
GHCI output:
* Couldn't match expected type `Integer'
with actual type `[a0 -> a0]'
* In the expression:
[n | n <- [1 .. max (a b)], (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b)]
In an equation for `lnko':
lnko a b
= [n | n <- [1 .. max (a b)], (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b)]
12 | lnko a b = [n | n <- [1..max(a b)], (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b) ]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* Couldn't match expected type `Integer -> a0'
with actual type `Integer'
* The function `a' is applied to one argument,
but its type `Integer' has none
In the first argument of `max', namely `(a b)'
In the expression: max (a b)
12 | lnko a b = [n | n <- [1..max(a b)], (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b) ]
| ^^^
* Couldn't match expected type `a0 -> a0'
with actual type `Integer'
* In the second argument of `divides', namely `a'
In the first argument of `(&&)', namely `(n `divides` a)'
In the expression: (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b)
* Relevant bindings include
n :: a0 -> a0
(bound at C:\\Users\erdos\Desktop\haskell\hazi1.hs:12:17)
12 | lnko a b = [n | n <- [1..max(a b)], (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b) ]
| ^
* Couldn't match expected type `a0 -> a0'
with actual type `Integer'
* In the second argument of `divides', namely `b'
In the second argument of `(&&)', namely `(n `divides` b)'
In the expression: (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b)
* Relevant bindings include
n :: a0 -> a0
(bound at C:\\Users\erdos\Desktop\haskell\hazi1.hs:12:17)
12 | lnko a b = [n | n <- [1..max(a b)], (n `divides` a) && (n `divides` b) ]
| ^
Failed, no modules loaded.
Well, there are 2 mistakes.
In Haskell, you do not write max(a b)
, but simply max a b
. This is called currying.
Your function actually locates all common factors. For instance:
λ lnko 8 16
If you amend the type signature accordingly, it will work. Or you may select one of the factors somehow.
Overall, this is great code. Keep going!