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Google prettifier line slicing and white background

When I add line numbers with more than 4 digit numbers it's lines are sliced out of the code box.

When I use background-color: #eee; all works great but it works not for white colour background-color: #fff;.

  1. How to fix line numbers slicing out of the code box?

  2. How to change all lines background to white?

P.S White background has to be with line numbers :)

How it works right now (on picture: linenums:320 with 3 digit number it sliced badly only in Safari`, for Chrome it starts slicing since 4 digit numbers). But maybe we can make some margin or something else.

enter image description here

pre.prettyprint {
  background-color: #fff;
li.L0, li.L1, li.L2, li.L3, li.L4,
li.L5, li.L6, li.L7, li.L8, li.L9 {
  list-style-type: decimal;
<pre class="prettyprint linenums:3320">
def celsius_from_fahrenheit(temp):
    Convert temperature value from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
    return (temp - 32)*5.0 / 9.0

def fahrenheit_from_celsius(temp_fahrenheit):
    Convert temperature value from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
    return (temp_fahrenheit*9 + 160)

Here is the example where you can check how it works.


  • This is the answer that totally works for me. P.S Safari bad visualize google prettifier

    li.L0, li.L1, li.L2, li.L3, li.L4,
    li.L5, li.L6, li.L7, li.L8, li.L9 
        {list-style-type: decimal !important; 
        background-color: #fff} 
    <div class="google-auto-placed ap_container" style="text-align: left; width: 46%; height: auto; clear: none; margin: auto;">
        <pre class="prettyprint linenums:3320">
            def celsius_from_fahrenheit(temp):
                Convert temperature value from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
                return (temp - 32)*5.0 / 9.0
            def fahrenheit_from_celsius(temp_fahrenheit):
                Convert temperature value from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
                return (temp_fahrenheit*9 + 160)