Hello stackoverflowers, I am working on a project that is built using MVVMCross and Xamarin for iOS and Android. I have found out that the project uses a quite old version of MVVMCross (4.4.0) and I am trying to bring it up to the current one (6.4). I thought it's a good idea to first upgrade to 5.7 and on a later stage, when I have the navigation switched to the new form etc, I will bump up to 6++. I have sucessfully run the android version to 5.7, however, the iOS version uses a customPresenter, that I don't quite know how to transform to the new Presenter introduced in 5.1. I think my custom presenter is based on https://github.com/MvvmCross/MvvmCross-Samples/tree/master/XPlatformMenus/XPlatformMenusTabs.iOS which hasn't been updated in a while.
In my MvxTabPresenter that subclasses MvxIosViewPresenter, the show function is no longer overridable. In addition IMvxModalIosView doesnt seem to exist anymore.
public override void Show(IMvxIosView view)
if (view is IMvxModalIosView)
if (this._currentModalViewController != null)
var currentModalViewController = view as MvxViewController;
this._currentModalViewController = currentModalViewController;
currentModalViewController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.Popover;
currentModalViewController.View.Frame = CurrentTopViewController.View.Bounds.Inset(10, 10);
currentModalViewController.View.Alpha = 0;
UIView.Animate(0.25, () =>
currentModalViewController.View.Alpha = 1;
//this.PresentModalViewController(currentModalViewController, true);
if (view is HomeView)
if (this.CurrentTopViewController is MvxTabBarViewController)
TabBarPresenter.SelectedIndex = 0;
public override void CloseModalViewController()
if (this._currentModalViewController != null)
this._currentModalViewController = null;
Also this is no longer overridable from the superclass.
Any suggestions on how to approach this?
Kind regards, V
As you may see in the MvxIosViewPresenter now the mvx attributes are registered with the action that should be called.
So, firstly you should inherit from MvxIosViewPresenter
. Then, for modal you should override ShowModalViewController
I suggest you to read the docs, the MvxIosViewPresenter and MvxAttributeViewPresenter files on the repo to check out how it works.