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Strange notation in Vue: const { state = {} } = this.$store;

I'm following a project already created, and I ran across this notation in a Vue project with Vuex:

const { state = {} } = this.$store;
const { orders = {} } = state;

It seems to be defining a local object named state that is set equal to the value of the Vuex store... and then setting that equal to another object called "orders" but I'm a little lost on the notation itself. namely what this indicates:

{ variable = {} } = anotherObj

and also what this notation is called if it exists. (so that I can google it and figure out how it handles deep cloning, etc since it seems to be a way to clone objects.)... or maybe it's something particular to vuex?


  • This:

    const { state = {} } = this.$store;

    is destructuring assignment with a default value if the source (this.$store) either doesn't have the property state or has it but with the value undefined. The result will be that state will have the value of this.$store.state if that property exists and doesn't have the value undefined, or will have a new blank object if the property doesn't exist or has the value undefined.

    Example (using a string instead of an object, but it's the same principal):

    const obj1 = {};
    const { a = "default" } = obj1;
    console.log(a);        // "default"
    const obj2 = {
        b: "value from obj2"
    const { b = "default" } = obj2;
    console.log(b);        // "value from obj2"