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SAAS application with microservices and database per tenant

I am designing web application for multi-tenant SAAS model, where due to some regulation we decided to have one database per tenant and we are considering microservices for our middleware. But I confused bit, where microservice architecture talks about 'every microservice has their own database'. So here are my questions

  1. If I use shared database for microservices, it violate concept/purpose of microservices design where they all should be isolated and any change should limited to that microservice.

I can think of a layer which mimic my database tables as DTO and every microservice communicate to database with this layer, correct me if I am wrong here.

  1. If I use every microservice has their own database then its almost impossible to have one database per tenant, otherwise each microservice end-up with n number of database.

So what should be right approach to design our middleware with one database per tenant Or if any one has better approach feel free to share.

Below is high-level design we are started with here


  • You should distinguish 2 things here:

    1. Database sharding Sharding is a database architecture pattern related to horizontal partitioning in which you split your database based on some logical key. In your case your logical key is your Tenant(tenantId or tenantCode). Sharding will allow you to split your data from one database to multiple physical databases. Ideally you can have a database per logical shard key. In your case this means that you can have in best case database per tenant. Keep in mind that you don't have to split it that far. If your data is not that big enough to be worth putting every tenant data to separate database start with 2 databases and put half of your tenants to 1 physical database and half to a second physical database. You can then coordinate this on your application layer by saving in some configuration or another table in database which tenant is in which database. As your data grows you can migrate and/or create additional physical databases or physical shards.

    2. Database per micro-service It is one of the basic rules in micro-services architecture that each micro-service has its own database. There are multiple reasons for it some of them are:

      • Scaling
      • Isolation
      • Using different database technologies for different micro-services(if needed)
      • development team separation

    You can read more about it here. Sure it has some drawbacks but keep in mind that is one of the key rules in micro-services architecture.

    Your questions

    If I use shared database for microservices, it violate concept/purpose of microservices design where they all should be isolated and any change should limited to that microservice.

    If you can try to avoid shared database for multiple micro-services. If you end up doing it you should maybe consider your architectural design. Sometimes forcing one database is a indicator that some micro-services should be merged to one as the coupling between them is to big so the overhead of working with them becomes very complex.

    If I use every microservice has their own database then its almost impossible to have one database per tenant, otherwise each microservice end-up with n number of database.

    I don't really agree that its impossible. Yes it is hard to manage but if you decided to use micro-services and you need database sharding you need to deal with the extra complexity. Sure having one database per micro-service and then for each micro-service n databases could be very challenging. As a solution I would suggest the following:

    • Include the tenant(tenantId or tenantCode) as a column in every table in your database. This way you will be able to migrate easily later if you decide that you need to shard that table,set of tables in schema, or whole db belonging to some micro-service. As already said in the above part regarding Database sharding you can start with one Physical shard(one physical database) but already define your logical shard(in this case using the tenant info in each table).

    • Separate physically the data to different shards only in the micro-services where you need it. Lets say you have 2 micro-services: product-inventory-micro-service and customers-micro-service. Lets say you have 300 million products in your product-inventory-micro-service db and only 500 000 Customers. You don't need to have a database per tenant in the customers-micro-service but in product-inventory-micro-service with 300 million records that would be very helpful performance wise. As I said above start small with 1 or 2 physical databases and increase and migrate during the time as the time goes your data increases and you have the need for it. This way you will save yourself some overhead in development and maintenance of your servers at least for the time that you don't need it.