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How to send gatling request with AWS Signature Version 4?

I am trying to automate a scenario where I need to generate load on Pods which are hosted on AWS. They require authentication with "AWS Signature Version 4".

I am not sure how to send a request with "AWS Signature Version 4" via Gatling. AWS Signature Version 4 takes these values.

  1. AccessKey
  2. SecretKey
  3. AWS Region
  4. Service Name


"Authorization": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AccessKey/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature="somevalue",

Does giving all the values like this will help?

          .header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
          .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
          .header("X-Amz-Date", "")
          .header("Authorization", "")
          .header("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
  "orders": [


  • You need to generate X-Amz-Date and Authorization details and pass them along with the header. You can use the below class to extract this two information. to extract AWS signature key by providing ASWAccessKey and AWSSecretKey.

    **Here is how you can extract information from your scala test class after importing RequestSigner class **

    val AwsAccessKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
    val signature = RequestSigner.sign(
            uriPath = "/Your/URL/HERE",
            method = "POST",
            //body = Some("""{ "hello": "foo" }"""),
            body = Some(requestBuildBody),
           //requestBuildBody = your actual request body you are going to pass along with post request 
            headers = Seq(("Host", List(""))),
            queryParameters = Seq.empty,
            credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AwsAccessKey, AwsSecretKey),
            region = "us-XXXX-2",
            service = "execute-api")
          val amzStamp = (signature.toString).substring(18, 34)
          val sign = (signature.toString).substring(35, 223)

    From above code you will get X-Amz-Date and signatureDetails , which you need to use in header

        "Host" -> "",
        "Content-Type" -> "application/json",
        "X-Amz-Date" -> "${amazonTimeDetails}",
        "Authorization" -> "${signatureDetails}")