In Qt Designer, how do you lay out the items on the pages of a QToolBox so that they expand with the toolbox? I have tried adding a table-view widget on a QToolBox page. Please see image:
But when the QToolBox is expanded along with my application main window, the table-view does not expand with the toolbox page.
Is there something I am missing ?
To answer my own question, first I had to have a layout on the desired page of the toolbox.
Then I had to highlight the toolbox itself in the object inspector pane (while the page I want to layout on is active AND has a layout object !!).
Then I chose the desired layout from the toolbox context menu (i.e. right mouse click on the toolbox object and choose Layout). This changed the layout on the active page. Not sure why this worked but it worked.
Thanks @ekhumoro for pointing me in the right direction.