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Split a text similar to ini file in a dictionary

I'd like to split the content of a text variable in a dictionary. The content is a sequence of rows with format key = value.

Owner = [email protected] \r\n Validator = [email protected] \r\n Approver = [email protected] \r\n

Thank you for your help. Salvatore


  • You can Try:

    ♥text = ⊂"Owner =  [email protected]\r\nOwner2 = [email protected]"⊃
    text.find text ♥text regex ‴(?<keys>.*)=(?<values>.*)‴
    for ♥i from 1 to ♥keys⟦count⟧
          if ⊂♥i == 1⊃
              ♥dict = ⟦dictionary⟧♥keys⟦♥i⟧❚♥values⟦♥i⟧
              ♥dict⟦♥keys⟦♥i⟧⟧ = ♥values⟦♥i⟧
          end if
    end for
    dialog ♥dict⟦owner⟧