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Not able to build ROS package with catkin_make. Confused by package tree

I'm looking to run the main.launch stored in vehicle/launch/ from this github page

I am very new at using ROS and have been learning, however I can't seem to be able to build these files.
If I try to use catkin_make on the parent folder it says that there is no existing 'src' folder.
If I go into the /vehicle folder there is a 'src' folder, but if I try to run catkin_make there, then it says that I have to run it at the root of the workspace. Which has me a bit stumped.

I have also tried to just run 'cmake ..', then 'make', and then 'sudo make install' in the /vehicle folder, but that just fills the /vehicle folder with copies of the other folders in the parent folder.

The reason why I want to build these packages is to be able to run the 'main.launch' file inside the '/vehicle/launch' folder with roslaunch, but it keeps saying that it can't find the other packages, no matter what I do.

Ready to clear up any questions. Thanks for the help.


  • the CMakeLists.txt in the folder is the top-level CMakeLists. So You need to make this src folder yourself. Just do the following:

    $ mkdir -p vehicle_ws && cd vehicle_ws
    $ git clone
    $ mv vehicle src
    $ catkin_make

    This way it should work. Just leave out mkdir -p vehicle_ws, if you already created a workspace and instead just cd into it.