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Entity ID invalid in Fiware-Orion

Tried to post an Entitity via the Orion-Context Broker. Recived the Message:

Error Message: [INFO]: HTTP response: {"error":"BadRequest","description":"Invalid characters in entity id"}

Used Entity Id: "urn:ngsi-ld:SensorB-#HP-K12_____"

Invalid Character: "#"

As soon as I got raid of "#" Code worked fine.

Character was not listen here:

Fortbilden Characters are: < > " ' = ; ( )

Figured it out later on, according to:

Allowed characters are the ones in the plain ASCII set, except the following ones: control characters, whitespace, &, ?, / and #

Posting to close my to motivated issue on Github.


  • I think this is the expected behavior. I mean, as you cite, # cannot be used as an identifier (including entity id). Orion is reporting correctly the situation.