I have a phone number like this
+43 0431 15903412
But at my EditText
this is the input I give
431 903412
The only thing I need is to add a 0 before 4 and 15 before 9, is there any regex or simple way of adding this without looping through all the characters in my string and replacing by index ?
I did this to add the +43 0
val modifiedPhoneNumber = "+430$phoneNumber"
But now I need to add the 15 before 9 and I dont know how
as i understand you need +43 0431 15903412 from 431 903412 it can be done as follow using
var j = 431903412
var x = Integer.toString(j)
x = StringBuilder(x).insert(x.length - 9, "+430").insert(x.length - 6, "15").toString()
Log.e("Show Updated Strin", x)
using this you will get +43150431903412