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plot most 20 frequent words

here im trying to set the most frequent words with plot , but I'm facing a problem because the language is Arabic and it does not match the format

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10))
sns.barplot(x="word", y="freq", data=word_counter_df, palette="PuBuGn_d", ax=ax);

i have tried ast with decoding but it does not match them with plot

import ast
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10))
sns.barplot(x="word", y="freq", data=word_counter_df.apply(ast.literal_eval).str.decode("utf-8"), palette="PuBuGn_d", ax=ax);

word_counter_df looks like :

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
      word  freq
0   الله    6829
1   علي     5636
2   ان      3732
3   اللهم   2575
4   انا     2436
5   صباح    2115
6   اللي    1792
7   الي     1709
8   والله   1645
9   الهلال  1520
10  الا     1394
11  الخير   1276
12  انت     1209
13  يارب    1089
14  يوم     1082
15  رتويت   1019
16  كان     1004
17  اذا     994 
18  لله     982 
19  اي      939 

it reutrn empty graph with this erorr :

ValueError: ('malformed node or string: 0 الله \n1 علي \n2 ان \n3 اللهم \n4 انا \n5 صباح \n6 اللي \n7
الي \n8 والله \n9 الهلال\n10 الا \n11 الخير \n12
انت \n13 يارب \n14 يوم \n15 رتويت \n16 كان \n17
اذا \n18 لله \n19 اي \nName: word, dtype: object', 'occurred at index word')


  • You can use pandas' built-in function:"word", y="freq")

    Update for connected Arabic letters

    import arabic_reshaper
    from bidi.algorithm import get_display
    word_counter_df['disp'] = word_counter_df.word.apply(arabic_reshaper.reshape).apply(get_display)"disp", y="freq")

    enter image description here

    The same with seaborn (version 0.9.0) here.