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Prevent role-specific users from accessing route

I have 2 roles, which is admin and user. Now when logging in, the admin goes to the dashboard route while the user goes to home. When user is logged in and changes the url to it can access the admin's panel and I don't want that. How can I do achieve this?

PS. I'm new to Laravel


  • The good practice for this is usage of Middewares. Create middlewares for admins and users (I'll do that only for admins, you can do that similarly for users):

    namespace App\Http\Middleware;
    use Closure;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
    class AdminMiddleware
        public function handle($request, Closure $next)
                // check auth user role (I don't know how you can implement this for yourself, this is just for me)
                if(Auth::user()->role->name == 'admin'){
                    return $next($request);
                } else {
                    return redirect()->route('admin.dashboard'); // for admins
            return redirect()->route('main'); // for users

    In "app/Http/Kernel.php" in $routeMiddleware array register that (add to end of that array).

    'Admin' => \App\Http\Middleware\AdminMiddleware::class,

    Now if you are using all requests in "routes/web.php" (actually I think it does), then you can use routes like this for admins:

    Route::get('/', 'FrontController@main')->name('main');
        'as' => 'admin.',
        'middleware' => [ 'Admin' ],
    ], function () {
        Route::get('dashboard', 'AdminController@dashboard');

    Refresh caches via "php artisan config:cache". Try it!