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How to center childs in a layout on Apache Royale?

I search for a easy and efficient way to center all childs in a container using basic package. (Because mixing basic and jewel layouts leads to some unwanted sides effects)

Must I use CSS, beads ? If both are usable what is difference and can I have code sample of each ?

For exemple could you tell me how to modify this code to center the text label:

<js:Application xmlns:fx=""
               xmlns:js="library://" xmlns:local="*">

        <js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl />

            <js:Label text="How to center me on horizontal axis ?"/>


Thanks to yishayw, as I'm not familiar with how to add css, I find how to do it and put the full working code here. I would expect that js|View would trigger the style but looking on css with browser I saw that style name for first "view" is "royale"

<js:Application xmlns:fx=""
               xmlns:js="library://" xmlns:local="*">

        @namespace j "library://";
        @namespace js "library://";

    .royale {
        align-items :center;

    js|Label {
        color: #ff0000;

        <js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl />

        <js:View >
                <js:VerticalFlexLayout />
            <js:Label text="How to center me on horizontal axis ?"/>




  • Try using VerticalFlexLayout and adding align-items: center to the style of the container.