My lambda times out when trying to connect to SQS. The Lambda has a role that allows it to connect to SQS, but it is located inside a VPC and subnet. What might be the solution to this problem?
I see this error in my logs:
[INFO] 2019-10-01T14:29:58.303Z e8ad5b4e-119a-48c1-b320-1d855c4efb22 Getting SQS queue url from <some_sqs_queue>...
[CRITICAL] 2019-10-01T14:30:16.743Z e8ad5b4e-119a-48c1-b320-1d855c4efb22 ## Transmission Error Connect timeout on endpoint URL: ""
and this is the relevant code which works locally but not up on the lambda:
sqs = boto3.client(
'sqs', # region_name="us-west-2",
config=Config(connect_timeout=6, read_timeout=10, retries={'max_attempts': 2})
try:"Getting SQS queue url from {sqs_queue}...")
queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(QueueName=sqs_queue)['QueueUrl']
# iterate over entries in batches of 10
for batch in [entries[index:index + sqs_batch_limit] for index in range(0, len(entries), sqs_batch_limit)]:"Sending batch of {len(batch)} records to sqs...")
)"Sent batch of records to sqs successful")
It doesn't even get the sqs_queue_url
but it works locally. What are the possible reasons for this log Transmission Error Connect error?
You can that the AWS Lambda function "is located inside a VPC and subnet".
However, Amazon SQS exists on the Internet, not in the VPC.
Therefore, you will either need a way for the Lambda function to reach the Internet, or a way to make Amazon SQS available within the VPC.
Option 1: Allow the AWS Lambda function to reach the Internet
When a Lambda function is not configured to use a VPC, it can communicate directly with the Internet. However, when it is configured to use a VPC, it does not have direct access to the Internet.
Instead, the recommended configuration is:
Option 2: Make Amazon SQS accessible within the VPC
You can create an Amazon VPC Endpoint for Amazon SQS in the VPC:
If you use Amazon VPC to host your AWS resources, you can establish a connection between your VPC and Amazon SQS. You can use this connection to send messages to your Amazon SQS queues without crossing the public internet.