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How to plot a grouped bar plot from two or more dataframes

I have multiple dataframes, and I want to plot them on the same figure in the Grouped Bar Chart view.

These are two very small dataframes that I would like to plot together in the same figure.

The dataframes are:

my dataframes

I want to plot a figure like this example:

example of what i want

I try this, plot only one graph:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()'Zona',y='Total_MSP')'Zona',y='NumEstCasasFavelas2017',ax=ax)

I tried this too:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()'Zona',y='Total_MSP',ax=ax)'Zona',y='NumEstCasasFavelas2017',ax=ax)

The results are just data from a single dataframe in a picture, not two data from both dataframes. Note that only the captions of both dataframes appear in the same picture, the data is only from a single isolated dataframe.

my failures


  • Graphic with four custom color dataframes and caption

    import pandas as pd
    df12 = pd.DataFrame({'Zone': ['C', 'L', 'N', 'O', 'S'],
                        'Total_MSP': [464245, 3764942, 1877505, 1023160, 3179477]})
    df13 = pd.DataFrame({'Zone': ['C', 'L', 'N', 'O', 'S'],
                        'ValorMedioDollar': [1852.27, 1291.53, 1603.44, 2095.90, 1990.10]})
    df14 = pd.DataFrame({'Zone': ['C', 'L', 'N', 'O', 'S'],
                        'IDH2010': [0.89, 0.70, 0.79, 0.90, 0.80]})
    df15 = pd.DataFrame({'Zone': ['C', 'L', 'N', 'O', 'S'],
                        'QtdNovasCasas': [96,1387, 561, 281, 416]})
    df16 = pd.merge(df12, df13, on='Zone')
    df16 = pd.merge(df16, df14, on='Zone')
    df16 = pd.merge(df16, df15, on='Zone')
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(50, 20))
    colors2 = ['#448ee4', '#a9f971','#ceb301','#ffb7ce']
    #For all values to be displayed, even though these scales are different, the log scale is used.'Zone', logy=True, color=colors2, ax=ax,width=0.5, align = 'center'); 
    plt.gca().legend(('Total Resident Population-2017', 
                      'Median Value of square meter-Dollars US', 
                      'HDI- Human Development Index-2010',
                      'Number of new housing properties-2018'),bbox_to_anchor=(0.87, 0.89) ,fontsize=28)
    plt.title('Estimated Resident Population, Average value of square meter, HDI, New housing properties in São Paulo - Brazil',fontsize=40)
    plt.xlabel ('Names of the geographical subdivisions of São Paulo',fontsize=40)
    plt.ylabel('Log Scale', fontsize=30)
    #change the name of month on the x 
    ax = plt.gca()
    names = ['Zone: Center', 'Zone: East', 'Zone: North', 'Zone: West', 'Zone: South']
    x = plt.gca().xaxis
    plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 30
    # rotate the tick labels for the x axis
    for item in x.get_ticklabels():
    for spine in plt.gca().spines.values():
    # remove all the ticks (both axes), and tick labels on the Y axis
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off', labelleft='on', labelbottom='on')
    # direct label each bar with Y axis values
    for p in ax.patches[0:]:
        plt.gca().text(p.get_x() + p.get_width()/2, p.get_height()+0.01, str(float(p.get_height())), 
                     ha='center', va='baseline', rotation=0 ,color='black', fontsize=25)