I have Visio 2010 Premium, and I'm trying to connect to a SQL database. I go to the Database tab, and choose Reverse Engineer. If I choose Microsoft SQL Server, there are no data sources. I choose New... and set up an ODBC connect to the server and database. It is a successful test connection. When I get back to the Reverse Engineer Wizard, it didn't add the new data source, and I can't go to Next. It says "No valid data source is specified for connection. Specify a valid data source to proceed." If I go to New... again and set it up again, it still won't add it. I tried an ODBC connection, and OLE connection, nothing works to add the Data Source.
Can anyone help?
Try using the ODBC generic data source in order to have it appear in the Data sources list:
Microsoft SQL Server
from the drop-down list:ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
. Then, click OK:Now select the New...
button (right of Data sources
) to create a new source.
Go through the Create New Data Source
wizard (File/User/System doesn't really matter - it's just where the definition is stored), creating a new data source, making sure to select ODBC Driver 17 fo SQL Server
again when prompted:
The data source will then appear in the Data sources
Note: System DSNs may not be modified within Visio unless running as administrator. When not running as administrator, this message will be received:
To work around this, type 'ODBC' at the start menu, and edit the System DSN from the ODBC Data Sources tool (Visio is a 32-bit image, so use the 32-bit ODBC tool):
It can also be accessed through: %windir%\syswow64\odbcad32.exe