Search code examples

Wagtail how to filter pages a user has view access to via their groups

I am implementing a search function that returns pages the user has access to via their groups. Pages have these settings set via the Wagtail admin page privacy settings when editing.

For example, a page could only be visible to users in the Editors group. So when a user NOT in the Editors group searches for this page it should be filtered out.

How would one efficiently filter pages not accessible by the user this way? I could not find any clear way to do this.


  • To answer my own question for search engine optimization purposes.

    After studying the Wagtail source code I discovered Wagtail uses a PageViewRestriction model internally.

    I ended up using this snippet to solve my issue:

    from wagtail.core.models import Page, PageViewRestriction
    def filter_pages(user):
        pages =
        # Unauthenticated users can only see public pages
        if not user.is_authenticated:
            pages = pages.public()
        # Superusers can implicitly view all pages. No further filtering required
        elif not user.is_superuser:
            # Get all page ids where the user's groups do NOT have access to
            disallowed_ids = PageViewRestriction.objects.exclude(groups__id=user.groups.all()).values_list("page", flat=True)
            # Exclude all pages with disallowed ids
            pages = pages.exclude(id__in=disallowed_ids)
        return pages