I have a main table, which contains comma separated codes for each id:
create table main (id int, codes nvarchar(3))
id codes
2 TA1, WQ9, PLM
And a lookup table which describes what those codes mean:
create table lookup (code nvarchar(3), description nvarchar(100))
code description
HIR High Rise
NAS Mobile Home
PLM Proposed Attached
I want to select from the main table and replace the comma separated list of codes with a comma separated lists of corresponding descriptions:
id codes
1 High Rise, Residential, Mobile Home
I figured out how to loop through each row, break apart the CSV, query each manually, build the string back and produce what I want.
However, is there a way to do it in a set based manner (and faster)?
Since you can use SQL Server 2017 there is STRING_AGG()
select m.id, string_agg(l.description, ', ') within group (order by charindex(l.code, m.codes)) codes
from main m inner join lookup l
on concat(',', replace(m.codes, ', ', ','), ',') like concat('%', l.code, '%')
group by m.id
See the demo.
> id | codes
> -: | :----------------------------------
> 1 | High Rise, Residential, Mobile Home