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c# .Net Core 2.1 Authorize Attribute - Default Claims

When using the [Authorize] Attribute (without specifying a policy), is there a way to set a required claim on the default policy?

The point being i would like it to require a claim to authorize, but i don't want to have to explicitly set the policy for the controllers. I'd rather just have [Authorize] not [Authorize(Policy = "something")]

Another way to ask this is, is it possible to add a claim to the default policy?

Thanks in advance for any and all ideas and opinions.


  • You can override default policy in startup

    services.AddAuthorization(options =>
        options.DefaultPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()

    Also if you want to authorize by some custom policy and avoid writing the policy multiple times, you can create a new authorize attribute

    public class AuthorizePolicyAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
        public AuthorizePolicyAttribute()
            Policy = "CustomPolicy";