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How to use SQL LAG function with condition

I have a table as the following rows:

here you have a problem illustrator

tipoProtocolo numeroProtocolo dataReferencia dataAssinatura dataVencimento
------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1             47676           NULL           20150112       20151231
1             47676           20151231       20150209       NULL
1             47676           NULL           20150224       NULL
1             47676           NULL           20151005       NULL
1             47676           NULL           20151021       NULL
1             47676           NULL           20151026       NULL
1             47676           NULL           20151120       NULL

I've implemented a piece of code that gets the value from the dataVencimento column (previous row) to the dataRefencia column (red arrow in the image). However, I would like to check if the column dataVencimento (from the previous row) is NULL. If this condition is true I need to copy the value from the column dataReferencia from the previous row (blue arrow in the image).

SELECT tipoProtocolo,
            LAG(dataVencimento, 1 ) OVER(
            PARTITION BY numeroProtocolo, tipoProtocolo
            ORDER BY dataAssinatura
            ) dataReferencia,
FROM cte_ContratoAditivo 

Here is my SQL code:

SELECT tipoProtocolo, numeroProtocolo,
        LAG(dataVencimento, 1) OVER(
        PARTITION BY numeroProtocolo, tipoProtocolo
        ORDER BY dataAssinatura
        ) dataReferencia,
         dataAssinatura, dataVencimento
FROM cte_ContratoAditivo


  • What you want is lag(ignore nulls). Unfortunately, SQL Server does not support this.

    If the dates are increasing, you can use a cumulative max:

    select . . .,
           max(dataVencimento) over (
                partition by numeroProtocolo, tipoProtocolo
                order by dataAssinatura
                rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
            ) as dataReferencia

    If this is not the case, you can use two levels of aggregation:

    select ca.*,
           max(dataVencimento) over (
                partition by numeroProtocolo, tipoProtocolo
                order by dataAssinatura
          ) as dataReferencia
    from (select ca.*,
                 count(dataVencimento) over (
                    partition by numeroProtocolo, tipoProtocolo
                    order by dataAssinatura
                   ) as grouping
          from cte_ContratoAditivo ca
         ) ca;

    The subquery counts the number of valid values. This is really to assign a group number to the rows. The outer query then spreads the value over the entire group.