I have a serverless function deployed in IBM Cloud Functions. The function generates and downloads an excel file.
Locally it works as expected, but on the deployed version I get the following error:
"code": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"error": "Response type in header did not match generated content type."
With the Content-Type header 'application/json'
I can send json and with 'image/png'
even images as base64. Zip files are not working. I tried with 'Content-Type': 'application/zip
and 'Content-Type': 'application/zip, application/octet-stream
Do I need to do some more configuration?
Full example:
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/zip',
'Content-Disposition': `attachment; filename=foo.zip;`,
'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'binary',
'Content-Length': zip.length
I fixed it by generating a base64 zip instead of uint8array.
var JSZip = require("jszip");
var zip = new JSZip();
const myZip = await zip.generateAsync({
type: 'uint8array',
base64: true,
compression: 'DEFLATE'
var JSZip = require("jszip");
var zip = new JSZip();
const myZip = await zip.generateAsync({type: 'base64'});