I'm using this PowerShell script to resume Bitlocker on every active device:
Get-Content "clients.txt" | ForEach-Object {
if (Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -ErrorAction 0 -Quiet) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
Resume-BitLocker -MountPoint "C:"
} else {
Write-Host "$_ is OFFLINE" -ForegroundColor Red
But I also want to trigger a hardware inventory via Invoke-WMIMethod
on every active device with this command:
Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName $Server -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"
I was able to script the first part but it isn't that well to built in the second command.
you are drifting a bit in the wrong direction.
When using Invoke-Command
, it processes the scriptblock, against 32 computers simultaneously (in parallel)!
If you are processing computers with foreach
, it would handle them sequentially, which would be much slower.
Same is valid when using *WMI cmdlets. Always try to replace them with the corresponding CIM cmdlets, as the same logic applies - computers are being processed in parallel.
Consider something like:
$ComputerList = Get-Content -Path Clients.txt
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ScriptBlock {
Resume-BitLocker -MountPoint "C:"
#Add second command
#add third command and so on
I am not sure, what would be the alternative command to Invoke-WMIMethod
, when executing locally. Maybe Set-WMIInstance
, but I am only speculating!
Then if you would like to add second command for execution, just add it into the scriptblock of Invoke-Command