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react native app auth google oauth redirect url

I'm trying to use FormidableLabs/react-native-app-auth in my react native android app. I have created google oauth client id in google developer console as a web application. I have a problem adding correct redirect url in the console. As i have read the redirect url for android applications should look like something like this but these type of urls cannot be added in the google developer console. So how should i add it ?


        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
        <data android:scheme="" android:host="heybuddyapp/callback"/>

is the scheme correct or should it be changed ?


defaultConfig {
    manifestPlaceholders = [
        appAuthRedirectScheme: ''

config of react native app auth

const config = {
  issuer: '',
  clientId: '',
  redirectUrl: '',
  scopes: [

How should be the redirect url in the above sections ? And how should it be on the google developer console ?

Any help would be appreciated !

google developer console redirect url


  • For future readers.. I have figured out the answer. I was using web application in the google developer console create credentials section, but it should be Android instead. After adding the Signing-certificate fingerprint reference - react native sign apk Then you should add your package name as in the AndroidManifest.xml (example - Then in the android\app\build.gradle file add

    defaultConfig {
        manifestPlaceholders = [
            appAuthRedirectScheme: '' //this line

    And if you are usging FormidableLabs/react-native-app-auth package, config should be like this

    const config = {
      issuer: '',
      clientId: '',
      redirectUrl: '',
      scopes: [

    And that's it !