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How to write a nested class that binds with a ViewModel class?

I have the page which should have some view models. I have decided to try Nested classes. I use MVVM Light for my project.

I have written the VM, that inherits from ViewModelBase and the nested class.

I have used the example of the Microsoft docs (nested example):

    public class UserMainViewModel : ViewModelBase
        public UserMainViewModel()


        private Page _mainContent;

        public Page MainContent
            get => _mainContent;
            private set => Set(ref _mainContent, value);

        public UserVM UserManager
                return new UserVM(new UserMainViewModel());

        public class UserVM
            private UserMainViewModel _viewModel;

            public UserVM(UserMainViewModel viewModel)
                _viewModel = viewModel;

            private RelayCommand _getInfoPageCommand;
            public RelayCommand GetInfoPageCommand
                    return _getInfoPageCommand
                        ?? (_getInfoPageCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
                            _viewModel.MainContent = new GetUserInfo();

My ViewLocator:

     public ViewModelLocator()
            ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);

    public UserMainViewModel UserMainContext => ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UserMainViewModel>();

View context

    DataContext="{Binding UserMainContext, Source={StaticResource Locator}}"

Element View for example

    <Button Content="Profile" Command="{Binding UserManager.GetInfoPageCommand}"/>

But it doesn't work when I click the button. Nothing happens.

Am I having the right idea by using nested classes? Could anyone tell me why it doesn't work?


  • You should create one UserVM and pass the current instance of UserMainViewModel to it instead of creating a new one each time the property is called:

    private UserVM _userVm;
    public UserVM UserManager
            if (_userVm == null)
                _userVm = new UserVM(this);
            return _userVm;