I'm trying to recreate a pivot-table like dataframe in R Studio with the library(pivottabler).
I have managed to recreate it almost exactly the way I would like it, but the current default pivot tables rendered includes the subtotals and totals which I need removed.
Would anyone happen to know any way I can edit the rows within the pivot table rendered?
I am the package author.
Subtotals can be removed as shown on the seventh line below:
pt <- PivotTable$new()
pt$addRowDataGroups("TOC", totalCaption="Grand Total") # << Change Total Caption
pt$addRowDataGroups("SchedSpeedMPH", addTotal=FALSE) # << Hide Total
pt$defineCalculation(calculationName="TotalTrains", summariseExpression="n()")
More bespoke edits to Pivot Table layout can be done by converting the pivot table to a basic table - see under the "Results as a basictabler Table" heading in the "5. Outputs" vignette in the package which is also available here.