i am trying to filter all the strings which contains "RegButton-" from the below ansible facts and use the output as list of items in the next play. trying to use json_query filter but it is failing with below error
ansible fact
"ansible_facts": {
"srcgrpname": [
"changed": false
playbook entry
- name: "Filter Regbutton policy Names"
srcgrpname2: "{{ resultid1 | json_query(query) }}"
query: "ansible_facts.srcgrpname[?contains(@, 'RegButton-') == `true`]"
Error that i am receiving.
"msg": "JMESPathError in json_query filter plugin:\nIn function contains(), invalid type for value: RegButton-48773, expected one of: ['array', 'string'], received: \"unknown\"",
"_ansible_no_log": false
It's possible to use select and regex. For example the tasks below
- set_fact:
srcgrpname2: "{{ ansible_facts.srcgrpname|
select('regex', '^RegButton-(.*)$')|
list }}"
- debug:
var: srcgrpname2
"srcgrpname2": [
"RegButton-48773, expected one of: ['array', 'string'], received: unknown"