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Printing the probability when a die rolls all 6 sides

I am trying to print the expected amount of when a fair die is rolled and to keep rolling until all 6 sides are rolled.

What I am trying to do is when as an example a 1 is rolled it is added to a list. Then to keep going till all 6 sides are rolled and using count+=1 to keep rolling the next die and use count as the number of times. Then once the list equals [1,2,3,4,5,6] to make stop equal True and to break.

But should I use a shift method so if 3 is found then you delete it from the list?

Then once done at the end I want to compute the expected amount of rolls using count

import random
def rolldice():
    count = 0
    while True:
        die = []
        win = []
        for i in range(1):
        stop = False
        for roll in die:
            number = die.count(roll)
            if(number == 1):
                win += [1]
            if(number == 2):
                win += [2]
            if(number == 3):
                win += [3]
            if(number == 4):
                win += [4]
            if(number == 5):
                win += [5]
            if(number == 6):
                win += [6]
            if(win == [1,2,3,4,5,6]):
                stop = True
        if stop:
            count += 1
    print(f'Count is {count}')
def main():

Trying to see if I am on the right track or if I should use shifting and deleting.


  • If you just want to count how many rolls it takes to get all six sides, using a set is much easier:

    import random
    # initialize to empty set
    results = set()
    # remember how many rolls we have made
    rolls = 0
    # keep going until we roll all six sides
    while len(results) != 6:
        rolls += 1
    print('It took %d rolls to get all six sides' % rolls)