I have created a custom post type. I am trying to display each post click and views counts in custom articles listing page (see screenshot), but no success.
You can add it like this. You will need to adjust for your post types and field names. In this example I will use the post type of 'custom-articale' and field name of 'view-count'.
add_filter('manage_custom-articale_posts_columns', 'reveal_view_count', 1);
add_action('manage_custom-articale_posts_custom_column', 'reveal_view_count_value', 1, 2);
function reveal_view_count($columns)
$columns['view-count'] = 'View Count';
return $columns;
function reveal_view_count_value($column)
if ('view-count' == $column) {
echo the_field('view-count');