I'd like to write query that dumps out the rights for each user against reach table. The reason for this search is so that I can snapshot table rights and then compare them across servers, or before and after I run a big GRANTS resetting script. I'm looking for output that is easy to compare, so something like this:
schema_name table_name qualified_name owner_name privilege setting
api base4 api.base4 postgres delete TRUE
api bucket_test api.bucket_test postgres delete TRUE
I've written a query that gets me part of the way there, but with the privilege names and settings as column pairs. I could cut the columns in half by naming them after the privilege, but I'm after the narrow row format above. That makes the comparisons I'll run granular to the table+user+privilege.
schema_name table_name qualified_name owner_name privilege delete privilege insert privilege references privilege setting privilege trigger privilege truncate privilege update
api base4 api.base4 postgres delete TRUE insert TRUE references TRUE select TRUE trigger TRUE truncate TRUE update TRUE
api bucket_test api.bucket_test postgres delete TRUE insert TRUE references TRUE select TRUE trigger TRUE truncate TRUE update TRUE
Can someone suggest the right join or unnest+join to rework the query I've got now?
And, yes, this query will generate a lot of result rows. That's okay, it's what I'm after.
table_list as
( select schemaname as schema_name,
tablename as table_name,
quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename) as qualified_name,
tableowner as owner_name
from pg_tables
where schemaname in ('data','api')
order by 3),
user_list as
( select usename as user_name
from pg_user
order by 1)
select table_list.schema_name,
'delete' as privilege, has_table_privilege(user_list.user_name, concat(table_list.qualified_name), 'delete') as delete,
'insert' as privilege, has_table_privilege(user_list.user_name, concat(table_list.qualified_name), 'insert') as insert,
'references' as privilege, has_table_privilege(user_list.user_name, concat(table_list.qualified_name), 'references') as references,
'select' as privilege, has_table_privilege(user_list.user_name, concat(table_list.qualified_name), 'select') as select,
'trigger' as privilege, has_table_privilege(user_list.user_name, concat(table_list.qualified_name), 'trigger') as trigger,
'truncate' as privilege, has_table_privilege(user_list.user_name, concat(table_list.qualified_name), 'truncate') as truncate,
'update' as privilege, has_table_privilege(user_list.user_name, concat(table_list.qualified_name), 'update') as update
from table_list
cross join user_list
I'm on Postgres 11.4 on RDS.
For anyone finding this question later, here's a version of the final query as a view:
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS data.table_grants;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW data.table_grants AS
table_list as
( select schemaname as schema_name,
tablename as table_name,
schemaname::text || '.' || tablename::text as qualified_name,
tableowner as owner_name
from pg_tables
where schemaname in ('data','api')
order by 3),
user_list as
( select usename as user_name
from pg_user
order by 1)
has_table_privilege(user_name, qualified_name, privilege) as setting
cross join user_list
cross join (values
('delete'), ('insert'), ('references'), ('select'), ('trigger'), ('truncate'), ('update')
) as p(privilege);
ALTER TABLE data.table_grants
OWNER TO user_change_structure;
This makes searching on table grants a bit simpler, like this one to see the rights granted on a table named item
select *
from table_grants
where table_name = 'item'
order by user_name,
Or this query to get a summarized view of user rights on a specific table:
select qualified_name,
array_agg(privilege) as rights
from table_grants
where table_name = 'item' and
setting = true
group by qualified_name,
The queries above aren't necessarily optimally efficient, and the view's product is tables * users * 8...but it's all instantaneous for me with less than 100 tables and about 15 roles.
Like Islingre already suggested in the comments, you can use
has_table_privilege(user_name, qualified_name, privilege) as setting
cross join user_list
cross join (values
('delete'), ('insert'), ('references'), ('select'), ('trigger'), ('truncate'), ('update')
) as p(privilege)