Hope someone can help. When I tried to insert something into a table it give me error saying the primary key is already existed. So I need to reset my sequence so that it is always max(id)+1.
The table is called 'People' with 2 columns (ID, Name). The sequence is called SEQ.
I am thinking of doing a loop. To run select SEQ.nextval from dual for n times. this n= max(id)-SEQ.currval
Wwill this work? and how Can I put it into the syntax?
Thanks a lot.
l_MaxVal pls_integer;
l_Currval pls_integer default - 1;
select max(id)
into l_MaxVal
from people;
while l_Currval < l_Maxval
select my_seq.nextval
into l_Currval
from dual;
end loop;