I have a 2d numpy array as following
import numpy as np
agents = np.array([[ 1. , -71.8, 41.2],
[ 1. , -71.8, 41.3],
[ 0. , -71.8, 41.4],
[ 0. , -71.7, 41.4],
[ 0. , -71.6, 41.4]])
Now I want to visualize it. In matplotlib i can do something like this as I need different color based on the value of the first column.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(agents [:,1],agents [:,2],c=agents [:,0])
But how can I get the same result in pyqtgraph? I tried this
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
mw = QtGui.QMainWindow()
mw.resize(800, 800)
view = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget()
mw.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: ScatterPlot')
w1 = view.addPlot()
x = agents[:,1]
y = agents[:,2]
z = agents[:,0]
s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(x, y,pen=pg.mkPen(z))
Got this exception
Exception: Not sure how to make a color from "(array([1., 0., 0., 0.]),)"
If you want to set a color for each point you must pass a list of the colors, in your case you are passing it a list, instead you must pass it QPen if you want to set the colors of the border or QBrush if you want to set the fill color.
From what I understand you you want the latest:
s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(x, y, brush=[pg.mkBrush(v) for v in z])
# or
# s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(x, y, brush=list(map(pg.mkBrush, z)))
If you want to set the border color then use:
s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(x, y, pen=[pg.mkPen(v) for v in z])
# or
# s = pg.ScatterPlotItem(x, y, pen=list(map(pg.mkPen, z)))