I am new with PHP simplexml code, and I've found that the code does provide results for the variable $xml_record_congrant_funded.
I've tried adding namespace identifiers (please see commented out code), but there is no result - it returns "Undefined offset: 0".
Would there need to be some kind of modification to the namespace identifiers? Thanks for any leads.
PHP file:
$url_congrant_file = "test.xml";
$xml_congrant_feed = simplexml_load_file($url_congrant_file);
echo '<br>$xml_record[0] is...'.$xml_record[0]['username'];
$xml_record_congrant_funded = $xml_record[0]->xpath('CONGRANT[STATUS="Funded"]');
//$xml_record_congrant_funded = $xml_record[0]->xpath('./dmd:CONGRANT[STATUS="Funded"]');
//this needs to store all 'congrant' nodes with the status of "funded"
echo '<br>$xml_record_congrant_funded[0] is...'.$xml_record_congrant_funded[0]->status;
//this needs to display the value of the 'status' node
//I've put in the actual constants for the $offset (0), $per_page (2)
for ($i = 0; $i < (0 + 2); $i++) {
echo '<br>$i is...'.$i;
$strCongrant_id = $xml_record_congrant_funded[$i]->ident;
echo '<br>$strCongrant_id...'.$strCongrant_id;
$strCongrant_status = $xml_record_congrant_funded[$i]->status;
echo '<br>$strCongrant_id...'.$strCongrant_status;
//this yields no results
XML File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Data xmlns="http://www.digitalmeasures.com/schema/data" xmlns:dmd="http://www.digitalmeasures.com/schema/data-metadata" dmd:date="2019-09-09">
<Record userId="9a" username="bill-smith" termId="2" dmd:surveyId="1">
<dmd:IndexEntry indexKey="DE" entryKey="S7" text="S7"/>
<CONGRANT id="12" dmd:originalSource="MA" dmd:created="2018-03-30T14:22:43" dmd:lastModifiedSource="MA" dmd:lastModified="2019-02-19T10:49:07" dmd:startDate="2017-08-08" dmd:endDate="2022-07-31">
<TYPE>Book Grant</TYPE>
<TITLE>Modulation Theory</TITLE>
<CONGRANT id="11" dmd:originalSource="MA" dmd:created="2019-07-05T10:14:55" dmd:lastModifiedSource="MA" dmd:lastModified="2019-07-05T10:17:44" dmd:startDate="2019-06-15" dmd:endDate="2019-06-15">
<TYPE>Digital Grant</TYPE>
<TITLE>Frequency Modulation</TITLE>
<CONGRANT id="16" dmd:originalSource="MA" dmd:created="2018-03-26T11:39:42" dmd:lastModifiedSource="MA" dmd:lastModified="2018-03-26T11:40:15" dmd:startDate="2017-10-04" dmd:endDate="2017-10-04">
<TYPE>Book Grant</TYPE>
<TITLE>Ferrite Curves</TITLE>
<STATUS>Currently Under Review</STATUS>
As you use XPath on an individual node in SimpleXML, you have to register the namespace each time you want to use it, and as all of the nodes are in a default namespace (which you have used a
as a prefix in your code) you need to keep adding it.
So in the second XPath, you need to register the same namespace on $xml_record[0]
to then use this as a prefix in the expression 'a:CONGRANT[a:STATUS="Funded"]'
$xml_record_congrant_funded = $xml_record[0]->xpath('a:CONGRANT[a:STATUS="Funded"]');
echo '<br>$xml_record_congrant_funded[0] is...'.$xml_record_congrant_funded[0]->STATUS;
Also note that you need to use the same case for the object elements as in the XML - so it's $xml_record_congrant_funded[0]->STATUS