I used a condition to display 2 differents text with Sweave. After that, I display this text.
But I would like to bold a part of my first text.
<<condition, echo=FALSE>>=
if (x > 0) {
text <- paste("text 1 start :",paste(variables, collapse = ","), ". text 1 end.")
} else {
text <- paste("text 2")
Here, the actual output in my report.pdf is:
text 1 start : var1, var2, var3 text 1 end
But I would like :
text 1 start : var1, var2, var3. text 1 end
You could return your data separately and use the normal LaTeX commands like \Sexpr{foo} \textbf{\Sexpr{bar}} \textbf{\Sexpr{foobar}}
Alternatively, you could embed the necessary LaTeX command in R like this:
foo <- paste(1, 2, "\\\\textbf{", 3, "}", '4')
Test text with some \Sexpr{foo} with formatting.
Mind the multitude of backslashes necessary.
For knitr the code needs some modificaitions:
foo <- paste(1, 2, "\\textbf{", 3, "}", '4')
Test text with some \Sexpr{asis_output(foo)} with formatting.