I work with scala play and I use WS to make get a response from an URL.
My JSON example :
"object": "001",
"object-description": "MODEL",
"criterion": "TW3",
"criterion-description": "MODELE X07"
"object": "002",
"object-description": "TYPE",
"criterion": "STANDA",
"criterion-description": "STANDARD TYPE"
}, ...
I want to get only "criterion" field where "object" equal "002". So, in this example the value "STANDA".
A Test:
.map { response =>
Right((response.json \ "object="002"" \\ "criterion").map(_.as[String]))
How I can do that ?
Thanks for your help.
Your can transform the whole response into scala classes using automated formatters and then operate on those.
case class Data(`object`: String, criterion: String)
implicit val dataRead = Json.reads[Data]
.filter(_.`object` == "002")