Please take a closer look at the following two code blocks. Error and Warning produced are placed underneath the respective code block.
It seems very interesting to me! I think both should act in the same way, and those should not emit any error or warning as they seems logically valid to me.
Is this a PHP bug, or I'm missing something?
By the way, I believe the question and the code is very simple and self-explanatory, so I'm not going for further explanation. :-)
interface A {}
interface B extends A {}
class X implements A {
public function test() : A {}
class Y extends X implements B {
public function test() : B {}
Fatal error: Declaration of Y::test(): B must be compatible with X::test(): A
interface A {}
interface B extends A {}
class X implements A {
public function test( A $a ) {}
class Y extends X implements B {
public function test( B $b ) {}
Warning: Declaration of Y::test(B $b) should be compatible with X::test(A $a
I think I found the answer myself.
As an inherited interface can have additional declarations (an inherited type can have additional attributes), those are logically completely different, and hereby the Error / Warning emitted by PHP are absolutely correct.
Thank you for reading the question and the answer. Hopefully this will help others understand the use of interfaces as type in a better way.