Im making a moblie app which will use kivy UrlRequests, on ubuntu and macos the app works but when i make a apk with buildozer and run it on my android (OnePlus 5: android 9.0.8) via android studios the application works until the UrlRquest part where it crashes.
Ive made a test apk just to isolate and test the UrlRequest and it works on my pc/laptop and kivy launcher but not as a apk on android.
I also have the buildozer.spec and logcat file let me know if you need
Ive tried and changed the Buildozer.spec permisions and requirements to:
requirements = kivy,android,openssl,pyopenssl,httplib2
I have also tried to change https to http but still no luck
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.lang import Builder
from import UrlRequest
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
orientation: "vertical"
padding: 50
spacing: 50
size_hint: (0.3, 0.3)
pos_hint: {"center_x": 0.5}
text: "Make Request"
on_press: app.make_request()
id: result_label
class DemoLayout(BoxLayout):
class Demo(App):
def build(self):
return DemoLayout()
def on_request_success(self, request, result):
self.root.ids.result_label.text = str(result["data"][0]["amount"])
def make_request(self, *args):
url = "",
on_error = None,
on_failure = None,
on_progress = None,
on_redirect = None,
on_success = self.on_request_success,
timeout = 5,
I expect the output to be a value fro btc when the "Make Request" button is pressed, but the actual output is nothing
I found a solution at
I updated my buildozer requirments to add certfi
and added ca_file=certifi.where()
parameter to my UrlRequest()