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Error when delete data using foreignKey in adonisjs

I have a problem when try to delete my data in adonisjs, when i enter primarykey as parameter to delete it success, but when i'm try to enter another parameter it doesn't work.

This is my route to access endpoint:

Route.delete('customer_wishlist/:id_product', 'WishlistController.delete')

id_product isn't primarykey, but foreignkey. This is in my controller to process delete:

async delete ({params, response}) {
    const wishlist = await Wishlist.find(params.id_product)

    if (!wishlist) {
        return response.status(404).json({data: 'Resource not found'})

   await wishlist.delete()
   return response.status(200).json({status:true, data: wishlist})

The result of console.log above const wishlist = await Wishlist.find(params.id_product) is json id, this match with parameter. But the result of console log below const wishlist = await Wishlist.find(params.id_product) is null.

What's wrong with this code?


  • .find() is only for primaryKey

    try it :

    .findBy() -> documentation

    await Wishlist.findBy('id_product', params.id_product)

    ! Returns the first matching record