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Where is a helm icon URL used

A Helm chart may include an icon value, which is

A URL to an SVG or PNG image to be used as an icon

It is optional, but helm lint recommends it.

But where is this URL used?

  • Is it only used during package creation? Does helm download the icon from that URL and incorporate it in the package? In this case, the URL could locate a resource that is not publicly available, such as a file: URL for a local source-code file.
  • Is it provided like package documentation or meta-data? In this case the URL should locate a publicly available resource. In practice, this means your software needs a web site (or a public GitHub repository, or similar).


  • Helm Chart icon is used in web consoles for Helm Charts. For example, if you look at, you can find icons. Also OpenShift and IBM Cloud use them in their solutions.

    The URL should be a publicly available link, since Helm Package just creates a TGZ with your Chart (not really much more).