I wrote a predicate that is supposed to traverse through a list of numbers and compare current number to the next one then adds the bigger number to a list that it is supposed to return. The last number is simply added to the list.
For example:
should return [2,3,3]
should return [5,6,6,6,9,9]
The predicate finds the answer (it writes it out), but it doesn't unify(?) with it and goes on to return []
head([H|_], H).
maximize([], X) :- write(X).
maximize([H|T], X) :-
(head(T, N), N = []) -> (append(X, [H], L), maximize([], L)) ;
(head(T, N), H < N) -> (append(X, [N], L), maximize(T, L)) ; (append(X, [H], L), maximize(T, L)).
A solution for the problem you describe is:
maximize([], []).
maximize([X| Xs], M) :-
maximize(Xs, X, M).
maximize([], X, [X]).
maximize([Y| Ys], X, M) :-
( Y > X ->
M = [Y| T]
; M = [X| T]
maximize(Ys, Y, T).
Sample calls:
| ?- maximize([1,2,3], M).
M = [2,3,3]
| ?- maximize([3,5,6,6,5,9], M).
M = [5,6,6,6,9,9]
This solution takes advantage of first-argument indexing to avoid spurious choice points.