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How to safely shut down Sidekiq on Heroku

I guess I need a sanity check here because if I want to prevent any sidekiq jobs from ending prematurely, Heroku Redis should handle this for me?

When I want to push new changes to a production site, I put the application in maintenance mode: heroku maintenance:on. Now when I do this and run heroku ps I can see both my web process and my worker (i.e. sidekiq) are up still (makes sense because its just to prevent users having access to the site).

If I shut down the worker dyno with a command like this: heroku ps:stop worker after the site is in maintenance mode, will this safely stop sidekiq workers before it does down? Also, from Sidekiq's documentation:

It mentions a -t N switch where N is a number in seconds but that Heroku has a hard limit of allowing a process 30 seconds to shut down on its own. Am I correct that if I stop the worker process with the heroku command, it will give any currently running jobs N seconds to finish before giving it a SIGTERM signal?

If not, what additional steps do I need to take to make sure Sidekiq has safely shut down?


  • Sounds like you are fine. Heroku sends SIGTERM when you call ps:stop. Sending SIGTERM tells Sidekiq to shut down within N seconds. Your worker dyno should be safely down within 30 seconds.