I have an image with a fill amount component controlled by a Mathf Lerp. The problem is, the time for completion of the Mathf Lerp function decreases more than expected when the timescale increases.
When the timescale is equal to 2 the function should take half the time to complete but it takes less than that. Any idea why?
public static float demolishTime = 6.0f
public void OnClickDemolish()
InvokeRepeating("demolishProgress", 0f, 0.1f);
void demolishProgress()
progress += (Time.deltaTime / demolishTime);
demolishProgressBar[DemolishManager.demolishState].fillAmount = (float)Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, progress);
if (progress >= 1) demolishCompleted();
Someone may correct me if I am wrong, but it may be due to the fact that the 3rd argument of InvokeRepeating
, repeatRate, is not affected by timescale.
You may consider using a Coroutine instead, like so:
public static float demolishTime = 6.0f;
public void OnClickDemolish() {
IEnumerator demolishProgress() {
float progressedTime = 0f;
// Assuming 'demolishTime' is the time taken to entirely demolish the thing.
while (progressedTime < demolishTime) {
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
progressedTime += Time.deltaTime;
demolishProgressBar[DemolishManager.demolishState].fillAmount = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, progressedTime);