I have a node application listening on port 80, I have set the security groups open on port 80.
But, when I access my webapp in browser via public ip(http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx/), it doesn't show up.
What could be the issue?
I've use this doc as a guide https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/connect-http-https-ec2/
When your security group already allowed traffic It means something wrong with the instance.
The first step to debug such an issue to verify the application status inside the instance.
to the instance and verify is the instance responding on localhost curl localhost
pm2 list
or forever forever list
or ps -aux | grep node
.netstat -antu | grep LISTEN
In short, if the application responding on localhost using curl localhost
, then as mentioned in the comment then the instance is in the private subnet.
you can check this article to know about public and private subnet.