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How to toggle antd Typography.Paragraph ellipsis

I am using the <Typography.Paragraph> component to display the description of some items in a list. I want to limit the number of rows in the description to 2.

Now I can use the ellipsis prop for the <Typography.Paragraph> to limit the description to only display 2 lines and set it to be expandable. However, I cannot seem to find a way to collapse the text back to just 2 rows with an ellipsis (...)

This is a snippet of my current code.

const listOfLongText = [.....];,i) => {
    <Paragraph ellipsis={{ rows: 2, expandable: true }}> 

I know about the onExpand callback for the ellipsis prop of Paragraph but not sure how to get the toggle between expand and collapse functionality using onExpand

The <Typography.Paragraph> API is defined here

If you need more information, drop a comment and I will provide it.


  • There is no such option in the current antd version (3.23.4).

    You need to control it via state for example:

        rows: 3,
        expandable: true,
        onExpand: this.typoExpand
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